Polishing Iceland
Reykjavik Ensleble Internaional Company

A physical theatre performance conceived and directed by Pálína Jónsdóttir based on an autobiographical short story collection by Polish author Ewa Marcinek.

Starring: Magdalena Tworek, Pétur Óskar Sigurðsson, Michael Richardt / Juliette Louste
Dramatization and Direcction: Pálína Jónsdóttir
Writer and Producer: Ewa Marcinek
Dramaturg and Stage Manager: angela rawlings
composer and Stage Designer: Anna Halldórsdóttir
Light Designer: Juliette Louste
Prop Designer: Michael Godden
Techinical Director: David Nelson
Creative and Production Team: Bryndís Jónatansdóttir, Claire Paugam, Emma-Line Solander Aubry, Kim Wagenaar, Martyna Daniel, Naila Zahin Ana, Patrik Ontkovic, Rakel Snorradóttir
Thanks: Aleksandra Koluder, Dansverkstæðið, Hertex, IÐNÓ, Irma, Jördis Richter, Marín Björt Valtýsdóttir, Rauði Krossinn, Tinna Þorvalds Önnudóttir
Supported by: Tjarnarbíó and Reykjavíkurborg

trailer (by Martyna Daniel)
the making of (by Martyna Daniel)


Polishing Iceland premiered in Tjarnarbío on the 11th of March 2020. 

Through sensual and surreal physical theatre, Polishing Iceland conveys a universal story about looking for human connection and understanding beyond words. The production features humorous and deeply touching narration with translingual dialogues in English, Icelandic, and Polish.
Reykjavik Ensemble

The story is conveyed through a dream-like translingual physical theatre production, amplifying the emotions in the text through movement and finding the comedy and the dynamics in the difficult, dramatic text.
Reykjavik Grapevine


"Magdalena Tworek excels in the role of the nameless Polish woman, who has to mourn, but trudges on the road with optimism as a weapon. She keeps the show going with a genuine demeanor and humor." //
from: Fréttablaðið
„Magdalena Tworek stendur sig með prýði í hlutverki nafnlausu pólsku konunnar, sem á harm að bera, en þrammar áfram veginn með bjartsýnina að vopni. Hún heldur sýningunni uppi með falslausri framkomu og húmor.“

"Magdalena Tworek enjoys herself in the lead role, has great stage charm and rested effortlessly in the character despite the fragmented and unrealistic form of the show and constant contact with the audience."
from: Þorgeir Tryggvason for Morgunblaðið
„Magda­lena Twor­ek nýt­ur sín vel í aðal­hlut­verk­inu, býr að mikl­um sviðssjarma og hvíldi áreynslu­laust í per­són­unni þrátt fyr­ir brota­kennt og óraun­sæ­is­legt form sýn­ing­ar­inn­ar og stöðugt sam­band við áhorf­end­ur.“ - Þorgeir Tryggvason for Morgunblaðið

The performance was restaged in 2022, with a dancer Juliette Louste, for The Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre as a part of a festival “Treasure Iceland”.